
Monday, December 24, 2007

Controlling Migraines around the Holidays

Now that Christmas is two days away, most of us migraine suffers worry about getting the big headache during our family and friend functions. You can eliminate a migraine by following some easy steps. First, make sure you take your preventive medicine as prescribed. Next, always carry your "acute" migraine medicine with you at all times and take it at the first sign that you are getting one. I know we are all busy but try to get adequate sleep, but remember don't over sleep. Lastly, try to reduce your stress, I know, easier said than done. If during the hustle and bustle you start to get one, find a place to get away for a while, like a dark room. Make sure someone watches the kids and relax, take your acute medicine until it goes away or subsides some. Do whatever it takes to enjoy this Christmas because I believe migraines are preventable.

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