
Sunday, December 30, 2007

Migraine Medications/Prevent your Migraines

Examples of migraine medications currently available, include: propranolol (brand name: Inderal), timolol (brand name: Blocadren), divalproex (brand name: Depakote) and some antidepressants. Other prescription drugs approved specifically for migraine include ergotamine tartrate (Cafergot, Wigraine, Ergostat), isometheptene mucate combinations (Midrin, Isocom), and dihydroergotamine (DHE-45).Drugs to prevent migraine are sometimes recommended for those whose migraines are especially frequent or debilitating. Two of the many drugs that are tried for migraine prevention and are approved by FDA for use: Inderal (propranolol) and Depakote (divalproex sodium).It's important to have as many drug options as possible for migraine, because different people respond differently to medications, and what works for one patient may not help the other.Various other medicines are sometimes tried when all else fails. These include: pizotifen, methysergide, gabapentin, calcium channel blockers, lisinopril, and selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs).The migraine medicines have become essential to fight migraine symptoms as the severe headache makes a person restless. Migraine triggers can also be treated with the help of natural headache relief methods. The field of headache research is growing fast to find cure for different type of headaches.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Mail Order Medicines

Have you ever thought about using a mail order medicine program? I suggest you check it out. I currently use, although it may depend on what insurance company you have. I have Blue Cross Blue Shield. It has substantially decreased the amount of money I was spending on medicine. I am now saving about $35.oo on the Depakote that I take for my migraines. Also I'm saving about $40.00 on Hydroclorothiazide (for blood pressure). The best thing about it all is that it is mailed to your house and is a 90 day supply. If you are taking a preventive medicine for your migraines, you never want to run out. Most of these types of medicine's may need to be tapered off of. Call your insurance company and talk with your doctor about getting your medicines through the mail.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Controlling Migraines around the Holidays

Now that Christmas is two days away, most of us migraine suffers worry about getting the big headache during our family and friend functions. You can eliminate a migraine by following some easy steps. First, make sure you take your preventive medicine as prescribed. Next, always carry your "acute" migraine medicine with you at all times and take it at the first sign that you are getting one. I know we are all busy but try to get adequate sleep, but remember don't over sleep. Lastly, try to reduce your stress, I know, easier said than done. If during the hustle and bustle you start to get one, find a place to get away for a while, like a dark room. Make sure someone watches the kids and relax, take your acute medicine until it goes away or subsides some. Do whatever it takes to enjoy this Christmas because I believe migraines are preventable.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Healthy Choice

Working in the health care field for eighteen years, and particularly in the emergency room only for six years straight, I have seen a lot a patients come in because of a headache, probably a migraine. Mostly they would have to lay around in the ER waiting room for hours before they were seen! Some with blankets to cover up from the light, others vomiting in the restroom. Then when they were seen, they would be given a narcotic, which half of the time it would let them fall asleep in a dark ER room. But, the fact is that migraines won't be relieved by narcotics. It may knock you out, but a true migraine can only be relieved by a "triptan", explained in my first post. Now, I have had some people tell me that they work, but if it does, is it really a migraine? Nevertheless, narcotics are not a good way to go anyhow. They can be addicting (bringing you back to the ER the next time), and the constipation they cause isn't pleasant. I have a co-worker that says Toradol helps her migraines. Toradol is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, you can think of it as IV liquid Motrin. I do know everyone is different, but I have found that when I take a triptan drug, designed for a migraine headache, I get real relieve. It doesn't put me asleep, I can still function through the day and even work. It is not addicting and I won't get constipated! All of this said, the fact remains, the best treatment from my opinion would be a preventable drug that you can tolerate. Please pick a healthier choice than a narcotic.

Medical Disclaimer: This information is in no way medical advice. Only my opinion from my own experience(s).

Monday, December 17, 2007

No Pain in Eight Weeks

It has been about eight weeks now since I started on Depakote ER 500mg's. I have not had a migraine since a week after a started taking it. I truly love this medicine. I did have a follow up visit with my Neurologist last Thursday. The only problem is that is causes weight gain. Yes, I have gained weight! At least ten pounds. I did read that weight gain was a side effect but wow. Sadly though, my doctor said if I didn't lose the ten pounds, or more, he would have to take me off Depakote. So my plan now is to lose the weight because I couldn't imagine not taking this medicine. One other thing, he ordered blood work to see my liver function, another side effect but he said it was rare. Hope this information helps if your thinking about Depakote or any preventable drug for migraines. Seek help don't suffer, but understand the side effects.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Migraine Sufferers Brains are Different?

Wow, this is a surprise! Researchers have found specific differences in Migraine sufferers brains linked to the processing of sensory information, including pain. MRI's have shown a thickening in this specific area. Apparently it is not known if the Migraines are the cause of this thickening or if the thickening is the cause of the Migraine according to Web MD.

This just confirms to me that If you are suffering with Migraines you should seek professional help. Find a Neurologist, try a preventable drug. Maybe you should have a MRI? Nevertheless it looks like research is ongoing and eventually researches may find a cure? I, being in the health care field myself, have always believe we must do our own research, and take care of our bodies our self. Let your doctor know what your headaches feel like, how often, and what side of your head. In my opinion Migraines are Preventable!

Medical Disclaimer: This is not medical advice, only my experience and information I have searched for.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Why Suffer with Pain? Migraines are Preventable!

Personally, I hate to think that there millions of people in the world suffering from the worst pain that anyone can endure. I know because I suffer from the headache known as a Migraine. I hope that by my experience I can help lead hundreds, thousands or millions of people to get the help they need. It is said that 45 million people have chronic headaches and out of that 28 million have Migraines according to .

A Migraine is a headache where you have sharp pain, primarily on one side of your head. Although it can be both sides, and can be accompanied by sensitivity to light and sound, nausea and vomiting, watery eye or eyes and can last from hours to even days caused by swelling of blood vessels in your head. Migraine Aura means it affects your vision and a Cluster headache is intense one sided pain centered by the eye or temple and can last one to two hours then reoccur several times in a day. You can get the definition at . It can be so painful that you are incapacitated to the point of uselessness. I suffered for years before finally realizing that Migraines are Preventable and seeking the long needed relieve I deserved.

The description of my Migraines goes like this. I have severe sharp pain in usually one temple or sometimes both. It hurts just to touch my temple! My eye will occasionally water and sometimes I get nauseated. Light and sound hurts my head so bad it feels as if my head will explode. My mood is irritable and agitated. I am useless until it ends. I try to find the darkest, quietest place to hide.

I use to take Tylenol, Motrin, Decongestion's, Antihistamine's, and Aleve all the same day within hours apart. I really didn't care that it was probably killing my Liver. The pain was unbearable. I would try cold packs, heat packs and Vick's nasal rub with no relieve until I started seeing a Neurologist.

What I discovered was that Migraine suffers don't really know the difference between acute migraine medicines and preventable medicines or the types of headaches they are having and they are both so important if you ever want to have any kind of life with Migraines. My Neurologist even told me that people have committed suicide over a Migraine headache, and you know what, I can see why! If you have Migraines you probably understand where I'm coming from, but PLEASE don't think of doing it! Migraines are Preventable.

Now for the differences in medicines. First let's start with the medicines that doctors use to treat a acute Migraine attack. I do want to say that even your family doctor can prescribe Migraine medicines but in my opinion I would see an expert, such as a Neurologist. The medicines used are called "triptans". There are several and some examples are Maxalt, and the one I take is Axert. Something else most Migraine suffers don't know is that you should take them at onset of a Migraine. Meaning that when you feel like you are getting a Migraine, take it then. If you take any of these medicines you should read as much information about it as possible because they are cautioned if you take (SSRIs) or drugs in the anti depression class. They also can have serious heart related issues. I would personally just type in the medicine in your web browser, most of them have their own website. Examples would be or . You must remember that these drugs are only for "acute" Migraine attacks or in other words as it is happening. But for me and most Migraine suffers this does not keep Migraines from reoccurring. I would usually have a Migraine for days or weeks with maybe a day or two without one and then all over again. You can see a list of these "triptan" drugs at

In my opinion, preventable medications are the key to any Migraine sufferer's "cure". They are classified into three different classes: Blood Pressure, Antidepressants, and Seizure medicines. Each person is different and sometimes it can take "trial and error" so if your going to try preventive medicines, be patient with your doctor or Neurologist. What do you have to lose? Except for pain! My doctor started me on Inderol but it didn't help. Verapamil ER was the second medicine I tried, which was in the blood pressure class, which it worked. But, because I had a heart arrhythmia called Atrial Fibrillation, I was taken off of it. Please don't let that scare you because I do not believe that the heart arrhythmia had any thing to do with the Verapamil ER. Then my doctor tried Depokate ER 500mg's. This drug I call a "miracle". After two weeks on the drug I had no Migraines and I haven't used the Axert at all! This drug is in the Seizure class and you can view it on their website at . You must remember that each individual is different, and although Depokate works for me, does not mean it is the drug for you. I do believe that a drug in one of the three classes I explained above will work for anyone suffering from migraines. To view a list of the different medicines used to prevent migraines, you can visit and remember to work with your doctor.

Please note that before you start any of the above medicines you need to be thoroughly evaluated by a doctor and may even need a CAT Scan or MRI to rule out a brain tumor or aneurysm.

It is important to understand what triggers your Migraines. Like stress, hormonal changes, lifestyle changes, environmental factors, smoking and medications like too much Sinus medicines. You should also avoid certain foods. The following is a list and you can find them and more at

Alcohol -causes dehydration
Tannins - found in red wine and red skinned apples
Deli meats
Amino Acids in chocolate,nuts and seeds
Sulfites - canned vegetables,wine

It's good to note that there are a lot of other ways to help prevent Migraine attacks, such as relaxation techniques, reducing stress, certain exercises and finding what triggers your Migraines. I encourage you research some of the sites on this page. Some of these ebooks are downloadable instantly and can help without the use of medicines, although I recommend using these ebooks along with a preventable medicine that works for you and have an "acute" medicine (triptan) with you at all times to take if you feel a Migraine coming on. You do not have to suffer, Migraines are Preventable! Below are some links you should review:

21 Ways to Stop a Headache

The Headache Migraine Program

Stop Your Headaches and Migraines NOW!

30 Second Headache Relief

Chronic Tension Headache Relief

Natural Headache Remedy

If you are like me, when I had Migraines I never wanted to leave the house and it can be like a disease, and a feeling of depression can haunt you. I found a way to work at home, which can help if you are a Migraine suffer that have frequent incapacitating Migraines and can't go to work anymore or has called off work so much you don't even know if you will have a job or would like not to go to work. Maybe your a wife or husband that still would like to contribute income to the household, then you need to check out Holly Mann's ebook Honest Riches or you can read my article on it at and type in Holly Mann taxes first! Whatever it takes to get your life back on track.

Please use any of this page to benefit yourself, but none of it should be considered medical advise. Only qualified doctors can prescribe and diagnose Migraines.

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